Thursday 13 October 2011

Anime Addiction?

Well...As the above title...I am anime addict...obsess too much...but lately i seldom watch anime...maybe coz too busy with real life things...sometime i blame real life things coz stopping me from continue watching anime or playing games...but is my or not...i need to...(=.=")

Most people love watching anime..not only for children..teenager...even adult...yeahhh i admit it...some anime not really suit for children or teenager...but...some are really nice n sweet to watch...there are anime which giving us moral values n sometime teach us how to appreciate our life...

There is sooooo much anime i still wanna watch...but time didnt let me adventuring it...n many new anime been released made me so furious...Lol...

Honestly...I still searching for different kind of anime...wat i see nowdays is...more to hentai anime...harem...n shoujo...n deeply not a critique person...i just watch any anime except hentai... for sure no....i just wanna find anime that different in their storyline....for me..I dun care about the anime chacs looks like...i more care how the story gonna be...i dunno y...i juz think that it not fair we make a conclusion that the anime is worse only after we looks at their characters appearance....some anime have a great n awesome or cute looking anime chacs but their storyline is so boring n sleepy...not encouraging at all...

Overall...I'm satisfied with previous anime that i watched...I would said some really gave me different views after watching it...some really giving spirit to me...some really over react...some really bring me down...(=.=")
Ohh well...I just hope I will find new great anime to be watch...
Any suggestions? LoL....

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