Thursday 13 October 2011

Create New Blog Again

I dunno y..I keep on making new blog again...=.=" blog addicted?nahhh....but lazy updater...yeahhh..that me..

honestly..for my first blog which is old blog for many years ago...I luv it so much...yet...coz one big bitter incident happened...I dun even dare to open it again..even visit it hurt me badly...all i can said is...betrayal stabbed i tried to stop my first blog...then i made second blog...the second blog..i didnt said i always update it..but sort of happy n many things inside it that i luv to express...feel free to visit that blog... (^-^)

this blog i made new coz i wanna express n share my interest wif other peoples...I been thinking about making a blog like this long time ago..but i postpone it...i dunno y..but my heart keep stopping me that i wanna make it success...i had the courage already n i wanna give all the best i can...

I hope wat im gonna share on this blog gonna be....urmmm....not SO awesome or least fun n not boring....<<<< hope so....well...yeah...Feel free to enjoy reading my blog.... (^_^)

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