Sunday 16 October 2011

Mei chan no Shitsuji

I know this drama been a long time already...I just wanna share wat i feel about this drama...
This drama really interesting...funny...and weird a bit...I remember how i accidentally found this drama...
I deeply in  love with butler story few years ago...starting from some anime that i watched which has a butlers story in it...such as kuroshituji/black butler...I began to addicted with i type something with butler at google...LOL...then found this drama..i was like so happy...this drama really suit my awesome n so unbelievable i can find this drama....

So many hawt guys when first time found this drama...(>.<)

For the a lot to say...but..i just pick main chacs n some of the chacs that i love... :-

Heroine...shinonome mei....I feel pity for her...but she strong n tough in the story...lost her parent...really harsh times for her...yet..coz she wan her mom n dad grave to be together in the story...she tried her best to be the heir of her dad her grandfather asked her to...well....treated her more clearly...

~Eikura Nana as Shinonome Mei~
She so pretty n tall...kinda 170++ cm..mostly when i watched drama...the heroine just average kind of height..but for tall made other guys in the story looks short...ahahaha...(>.<)

Hero...Shibata Rihito...urmmm...for him...I admit that if i have a chance, I also want a butler like n quiet type...but so protective n alert...His attitude quite calm n confident....Love the way he always be around Mei ...always like Mr perfect...(=.=")

~Mizushima Hiro as Shibata Rihito~
I like him...His acting so nice...He really talented...He act in many dramas with many kind of characteristic..n he success in all of his chacs...He good in express his own chac to be alive....
First knowing him from Hanakimi...He as Nanba senpai...(LOL for Yusuke there...)
 He in Gokusen 2....He as Misawa Hiro....I didnt realize he was acting in this drama...even among all 3 gokusen drama..i luv gokusen 2 the most...still not knowing he in here...ahahahha..(>.<)
 I like his role in this drama called Mr Brain....this drama really awesome...detective story..interesting storyline...He act as Hayashida Toranosuke...His role in this drama kinda dumb...He need to act like that...(>.<)
For this one...He in Zettai Kareshi...He act as Asamoto Soshi...I luv this drama a really touching n sort of different kind of drama...this drama successful in making me cry...really sweet but sad...

Shibata Kento/Mame Shiba...I like his attitude...even though annoying a little bit but very refreshing n cheeky n amusing...made the story more interesting...he like 2nd hero in the sweet n caring to Mei as he love Mei for a long time...I dunno y...he cute when he said he love Mei..but I cant accept him as Mei couple if they really couple in the story..coz he seem so young..n a little bit short when beside Mei...n Mei seem so matured... (^_^)

~Sato Takeru as Mame Shiba~
I like this actor...he good in his role...He looks young...(>.<)
He in Mr Brain also like Hiro...He act as Nakagawa Masaru...I like his acting a lot in this different than he act in Mei chan no Shitsuji....One of the best episode in Mr Brain....

Hongo Shiori/Lucia....I think..for this chac...I would say...really sympathy for her...She is mean with Mei...but..need to consider her life also...her bitter memories along her growth in the Hongo family..not like Mei at least she happy with her parent before her parent die...At first seeing Lucia..she really annoying..but near to the ending...she kind of okay for me....

~Yamada Yu as Lucia~
She pretty...dunno wat to say anymore about her...haha..overall for her...she did a good job...

Shinobu...Lucia's Butler..i like him...he cruel also..but...i understand y he did all that...juz coz of his love for Lucia...I like his attitude...mean but cool n calm...mysterious...poor him...Lucia not even see his love for her..but at the end..slowly accept him...

~Mukai Osamu as Shinobu~
This guy really cool....Among all characters in Mei chan..I love him the most...
Mean but inside caring n kind for the one he love....
He in Atashinchi no Danshi as Okura Sho....his acting in here really bad boy cute n naughty...

Some other characters inside the drama :-

Amo Rin/Yotsuya....everytime with their aura things...ahahaha(>.<)

Kayama Rika/Aoyama....i like aoyama...for rika...she cool..i thought she gonna be the villain till the end..never thought she will be kind n nice..but so ego....>.<)

Natsume Fujiko/Nezu....errrr...kinda horny partner?LoL...always stick to each others...(>.<)

Ryuonji Izumi/Kiba.....I think they are such a cute partner...Kiba is so adorable n childish...Izumi so cool n strict...opposite attitude but really wonderful...

Mamahara Miruku/Daimon...urmm..for this one..really sad story for miruku...but i really love how daimon take care n protect miruku all his might..he really great butler.. (^_^)

Some scenes that I wanna share inside this story :-

 This part made me stunned for few mins...poor rihito...

 ohohoohoh....continue...continue...~~~~ (>.<)

 I love this funny...n so crowded...they all was like so interested with "commoner" house...LoL..but they are really good frens to Mei..asking her to come back..

 This one...i like the rain moment...Rihito tried to comfort Mei...really sympathy for Mei...she so upset after the cooking n Rika incident...

 Mei vs Rika...this Rika really love to make people burn up...(=.=")

 awwwww...really sweet this cute for Mame Shiba hug Mei that way...

 This is more the Miruku the theme park...At first..I was like (O_O) then i was giggling for so long...LoL

 This scene really made me shocked n stunned...i was angry...y did Rihito slapped her..but then i know it for her own good...yet..i feel sympathy for Mei..(>.<)

 Another sweet moment...Mei hoping Rihito will be okay in the battle...really cute...

 LMAO...i love this episode with Rika n her hair that way...ahahahah...

 this one...(>.<)....will did their best for the future...both agree..LOL

 Ohh my...My favorite moment in this drama...Rihito tried to get Mei back...n sweet/a bit romantic moment on the mountain where Mei went with her parent when she was a kid before...

I hate to see this fight...both brothers fighting...I know Mame Shiba tried to make Rihito understand about Mei n try to go back to Mei...really sad for Mame Shiba..he really understanding...

Lastly...I think...this story full of loyalty n trusting between each master n their own butlers...sacrifice something for the one u the life of those who love their own butlers but cant confess it...those who need to be separate from their butlers...those butlers who sacrifice everything to make their master happy....complicated n many challenges for them in this drama...but it worth to watch... (^_^)

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